Song: Bound 2 by Kanye West
“Close your eyes and let the word paint a thousand pictures
One good girl is worth a thousand b*tches, bound”
This song by Kanye West, when heard entirely, is filled with verses with double meanings and symbolism of his life. In the first line “Close your eyes,” Kanye refers to dreaming or at least daydreaming. Followed by the words, “let the word paint a thousand pictures,” Kanye is playing with the saying: “one picture speaks a thousand words.” Referring to all the images and pictures that flash your mind when you just close your eyes and let your mind roam; Kanye references admiring the beautiful. One word can conjure up thousands of memories and images in our minds, especially when that one word is something, or someone, you love.
The next line, “one good girl is worth a thousand b*tches,” parallels the previous verse of the idea that one special concept is worth more than a thousand mediocre concepts. Notoriously known for juggling multiple women at once, Kanye hints at him finding a woman he wants to be faithful to. It can be assumed that he is “bound” to this special girl and no longer prefers the thousand b*tches”.
The song has a R&B influenced sample with soul singer Charlie Wilson. The song is composed of different layers of instruments like the saxophone and trumpet, and I personally love how the lyrics and the music mesh together to this musical masterpiece.